Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Makeshift Cold Frames

makeshift cold frames

Last fall, my dad rescued all the original frames and windows from a remodel in their neighborhood. He installed two pretty complicated cold frames using the material in his own yard and set the rest aside for us. He's put together a complex A-frame system using 4 windows per box and used it to grow very nice greens all the way through winter.

A few weeks ago we finally drove the truck over there and picked up the rest of what he had left. 4 good frames, 1 totally trashed one, 2 sets of windows, a giant glass door and some other window he scavenged. We flattened out last years potato mounds, set the frames at about a 25% angle with eastern exposure and filled them with all the material from last years tomato pottings, shredded leaves, bagged compost and other soil leftovers. While they don't look nice, they do work, as evidenced by the tiny sprouts coming up in them.

We planted four varieties of lettuce, spinach, baby bok choy, dwarf pak choi, tatsoi, bunching onions and three kinds of kale (one of which we saved from seed). Megan also put in the same kale from Baker Creek seed, so we'll see which one grows better.


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