Friday, April 15, 2011



The garlic is the only thing that we have growing in the big garden right now. The stalks are getting thick--much thicker than they were this time last year. Some of this is elephant garlic, so that would explain why those are larger, but the rest I would guess is due to the unseasonably warm weather we've had for the last few months. We may have an earlier crop this year.

We've been talking about what needs to be done this summer and putting in a large bed for garlic on the old land is at the top of the list. We haven't decided the best way to go about ridding that large of a space of bermuda grass. I'm thinking it will need to be some form of sheet mulching because that many raised beds would be cost prohibitive. The bermuda in the yard behind the old house is much worse than any that we've been battling here. Garlic hates competition and we won't be there every day to watch over it, so I'd like to do as much as possible to eradicate the grass beforehand.


1 comment:

  1. Well, the garlic looks rugged...Nothing like seeing those thick stocks climb to the sun. I hope that heat keeps radiating for your growing season. Much Love
